Why Is a Well-Designed Website an Absolute Necessity in the Time of the Pandemic?

In this digital age, a well-designed website with proper SEO is an important marketing tool for any type of business. However, during the pandemic, it has become a necessity for any business looking to thrive. Thus, investing in proper website building is imperative, and one corner you shouldn’t cut.

Online Presence Is Everything

With COVID-19 forcing most of us into lockdown, people are far less likely to visit your place of business to browse, get information, or make purchases. The new norm is to look thing ups on the internet and if possible, buy them online. If you didn’t care to invest in website building with good SEO pre-pandemic, your lack of online presence would cause you to lose several customers at this crucial time.

The Competition Is Fierce

Just having a website isn’t enough anymore. With more and more businesses realizing the importance of having a strong online presence in the time of the pandemic, your potential customer and clients will have a hard time finding you over your competitors.

The solution? Following good website building rules result in a more SEO-friendly site. Ranking high on the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs) requires an emphasis on on-page and off-page SEO, relevant and quality content, and a user-friendly experience.

Your Website Makes the First Impression

Since physical contact has become limited during the pandemic, a customer’s first impression won’t be based on your place of business or how your employees interact with them but on the quality of your website.

When a potential customer or client finds you online, your website is one of the first things they will evaluate you on. If there isn’t a lot of useful content or information, the site isn’t sleek and easy to navigate, or if it just looks bland and uninspired, they’ll likely move on.

Take any successful business and study their website: aside from being SEO friendly, you’ll find that the website building has been done such that it accurately projects their style of branding, the information is convenient and easy to find, the call to actions (CTAs) have been cleverly placed, and the site is pleasing to look at it, just to name a few attributes. This makes a website stand out and more likely to convert a customer.

A Good Website Establishes Credibility

In the COVID-era, consumers are no strangers to dealing with businesses online. That also means when they come across a website, they know what to look for when judging the credibility of a company.

An SEO-friendly site is a good start since proper SEO means you’re ranking high on the SERPs, which shows Google values your website enough to show it to people. In terms of website building, a well-designed site conveys a sense of professionalism and authenticity. Aside from the good website building habits mentioned earlier, having customer testimonials, a well-presented portfolio, and showcasing other aspects of your business shows people you’re serious. In contrast, a website that doesn’t have much to show won’t be convincing and may give the impression that your business isn’t very well-established.